Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Gingrich's American 'Solutions Lab:' Open

At "American Solutions,'' a project of the former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, they are accepting solutions for problems in their "Solutions Lab.''

Like this one for illegal immigration: "All Illegal Immigrants, not just those who commit a felony, should be deported.''

That's the solution submitted by "Silver Fox,'' who notes that "the Federal government from the Executive Branch to the Judical Branch, to the Congressional Branch have totally ignored US law with regard to Immigration. Children of Illegals, who are automatically US Citizens have the choice of returning to their Native Country with their parents or if they choose to stay in the US they have little option but to get a job or fall through the cracks of the "Child Welfare: System. This may sound harsh, but harsh is what we need.

"Illegal Immigrants must be located and deported under US Code,'' the Fox concludes. "There is no other answer.''

Another contributor has identified "Our Real Enemy.''


"Reagan's enemy was Communism,'' a poster named Kirk wrote in to the Solutions Lab. "Our enemy is not just Terrorism but Atheism. All who fail to love Jesus Christ with all their hearts are the enemy from prostituted Christians to the godless and followers of false gods around the world. ''

The solution: "Conversion.''

The recently launched American Solutions for Winning the Future bills itself as "a unique non-partisan organization designed to rise above traditional gridlocked partisanship, to provide real, significant solutions to the most important issues facing America.'' It is committed "to defend america and our allies abroad and defeat our enemies, to strengthen and revitalize America's core values, and to move government into the 21st Century.''

It's general chairman is Gingrich, the Georgia Republican who considered running for president this year but said that it would get in the way of his political action ambitions. It seems, though, that the Solutions Lab has a long way to go to match the Contract with America.


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