Sunday, December 23, 2007

Would Ron Paul Be Endorsed by the Founding Fathers? Lawyer Says Yes currently serves as a directory for over 6,000 lawyers across the United States. And when it comes to the 2008 presidential election, the website has decided not to keep quiet -- making a firm case for Ron Paul.

Ron Paul, self proclaimed champion of the Constitution, is a 10-term congressman from Texas.

According to the statistics provided on their website, 61 percent of the mentions of the Constitution at the 2008 presidential debates were made by Ron Paul himself, despite being a candidate that has not been given a fair amount of time to speak.

Assuming 10 total candidates, 39 percent of the references to the Constitution would be divided among the nine other candidates. If the total number of references were to be split evenly across the rest of the candidates, each candidate would roughly only contribute to 4.3 percent of the Constitutional mentions. So this means that Ron Paul is 14 times more likely to utter the words of the Constitution than the average candidate.

Excluded from the statistics provided on were references to desired constitutional amendments such as those proposed to ban abortion and gay marriage. Also excluded were references made to state constitutions that have frequently been uttered by the two former governors running for president: Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney.

A list of quotes by Ron Paul at these debates were also provided in their article entitled "Empirical Proof That The Founding Fathers Would Endorse Ron Paul".

The most highly publicized quote by Ron Paul occurred when Ron Paul challenged Mitt Romney's statement regarding needing to consult lawyers. "This idea of going and talking to attorneys totally baffles me. Why don't we just open up the Constitution and read it? You're not allowed to go to war without a declaration of war," said Ron Paul in a debate October 9 in Michigan.

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