Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Iowa Caucus Results!

We'll be offering results and commentary on the Iowa caucus results all night, with material from numerous TV and Web outlets. We will update from the top, blog style.

10:10: Hillary and Bill about to speak. You can almost feel the spin from here, as she still trails Edwards slightly for 2nd with not much vote to come. Matthews expects a big announcement of some kind.

Chris Wallace on Fox signs off with praise for Huckabee -- Fox may have decided to stop knocking guy they may have to back in the fall.

Poll analysis shows 56% of first time caucus voters went for Obama. But will young turn out everywhere, and in fall? They often disappear.

9:40: Obama pulling away with 37% to the other two at 30% -- a big win. Huckabee lead over Romney trimmed to 34% to 25%.

Rudy on TV looking for help in Florida to save candidacy. Romney campaign manager Ed Rollins on Fox getting testy with Chris Wallace probably because Fox has mocked Huck.

Bill Schneider on CNN analyzing polls that show "change" people went for Obama and "experience" people went for Clinton. Surprise. Clinton polled very poorly among young. Independents swung it to Obama, but Democrats were purely split. They get to vote in New Hampshire, too.

9:30: NBC calls it for Obama. He is drawing about 35% with Hillary with chance to finish 3rd, tied with Edwards at 31%. Matthews crowing about smashing Clinton setback with "two-thirds" voting against her. But Rachel Maddow points out, "two-thirds voted against the other two, also."

9:20: With 60% of Dem vote in, Obama widening lead to 35% to 31% for both Clinton and Edwards. More than half his vote coming from 17 to 29 year olds. Seventeen? Yes, they can vote now, if they turn 18 by November.

9:15: Analysts point out that Huckabee will need to broaden base since most states don't have the same 60% GOP vote as Iowa. Still, he is in line with much of party and as Pat Buchanan says, "Huckabee now has a ticket to the finals in the Republican race." Howard Fineman wonders who will be the un-Huckabee. Buchanan says it will be McCain, especially if Romney loses New Hampshire.

Thompson still drawing 14%, McCain and Paul about 12%.

9:02: NBC calls it for Huckabee, easily. Did the bass playing with Jay Leno prove the difference? Where is Derek Smalls when we really need him?

9:00: Now with 27% in, "tight as a tick," as Dan Rather used to put it, with Edwards at 34% and Obama and Hillary at 32%. Chris Matthews still inanely insisting that 33% would be major defeat for her, even if she wins. Huckabee with surprisingly big lead at 36% to 23% over Mitt, with Thompson at unexpectedly high 14%. Matthews no longer fantasizing about McCain drawing 18%.

8:55: The popular liberal blog DailyKos seems to be quickest with actual results as reported by the Iowa Democratic party. Latest, with about 15% choosing, finds Edwards leading with about 34%, and Obama and Clinton at 32%

8:45: Edwards actually leads with first actual numbers in, with 9% reporting, with a healthy 39%.

8:30: NBC says that its "early" entrance polls indicate that Obama and Clinton are topping Edwards, and Huckabee and Romney neck and neck. Even if true, Edwards is said to be a strong second choice of the voters for the lower-tier candidates and so could still end up on top.

One explanation if indeed he is trailing: Possibly a huge turnout, with added women (favoring Hillary) and more young and indies (for Obama). MSNBC found David Gregory at one caucus site where partication tripled from four years ago, from roughly 85 to 250.

Liberal bloggers upset with early Chris Matthews spin that 30% would represent a smashing defeat for Clinton while 18% would be a triumph for media-fave McCain. If Ron Paul manages to tie or beat McCain for 3rd, watch his head explode on live TV.


TruthDotComma said...

I turned down a Security Clearance for Satellite Weapons Targeting during President Clinton's Administration. Knowing that there was a war on the way, I felt that I did not want blood on my hands. After meeting with retired Pentagon Nuclear Intelligence Officers since 2001, I know that the Replublicans led us to war in the Middle East because they were baiting and waiting for decades. I am voting for Senator Clinton because she knows the stakes for the security of our country are higher than Obama can IMAGINE.

Please, for the sake of Our Country: Wake UP AMERICA and smell the deception of those who want to entrap us in our own blind spots, those who will abuse our good will and desire to free our selves from past mistakes like slavery. Please vote for the Woman who has her eye on the ball. Take Bhutto's assassination, Senator Clinton knows that leadership is placing her life at stake. Obama is in his head thinking that he knows things about things he does not even imagine is real.

TruthDotComma said...

WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 — Senator Barack Obama said today that the United States should shift its focus from the war in Iraq to a fight against terrorism in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He said that if the Pakistani government fails to eradicate terror operations inside its borders, the United States should withhold aid and should strike Al Qaeda targets there itself.