Thursday, January 3, 2008

Online Caucus Results

Political junkies intently watching the presidential race don't have to spend tonight glued to the tube waiting for the Iowa caucus results to trickle in. Instead, they can monitor the results via the Web.

Both Iowa's Democrats and Republicans will be posting real-time results of the 2008 presidential campaign's kickoff caucuses on the Internet starting this evening.

Unlike voting in primaries, caucusing usually takes a few hours, especially for those on the Democratic side who have to deal with the party's set of complex rules and what looks to be a virtual tie in Iowa among front-runners Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Barack Obama.

Occasionally checking online may make the evening less tedious. The Iowa GOP has partnered with Google, which, once the results are in, will be posting them to Google maps so users can view Iowa Republicans' presidential picks county by county.

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