Monday, February 25, 2008

Tina Fey and "Bitch is the New Black" on Saturday Night Live

Talk about using your celebrity for political purposes.

We have Oprah at one end of the spectrum and now Tina Fey jumps on the teeter-totter of pop culture political endorsement to balance things out. Her appearance on Saturday Night Live was capped by the women's news segment and the brilliant 'Bitches' commentary, a small portion which is excerpted below:

FEY: ...[P]eople say that Hillary is a bitch. Let me say something about that: Yeah, she is. And so am I and so is this one. (pointing to Amy Poehler)

POEHLER: Yeah, deal with it.

FEY: Know what? Bitches get stuff done.

1 comment:

gigglechick said...

i thought the bit was brilliant!! Tina Fey rocks.

I created some "bitch is the new black" and "bitches get stuff done" shirts/buttons/etc